Saturday, December 16, 2017

Trump Tax: The Donald of Nottingham

Would you consider taxing my eggs as I lay them every 30 days....

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

So we waited an entire 2017 AD in the year of our Lord for the Trump Tax and the closest thing it can be compared to is Obama Tax 2017 AD, as nothing changed, except Donald Trump is literally robbing from the poor to give to the rich.

This is ballsy really, as you will recall in 2016 Donald Trump told us it was going to be 50,000 dollars for no taxes as we didn't pay taxes any way. Then came the lie that it was 25,000 dollars as the ceiling, but Trump Tax goes lower yet as Donald Trump taxes a bum who make a dollar. Yes Donald Trump now has a Bum Tax, which runs from 0 to 10,000 dollars, Yes a bum owes Donald Trump now 10 cents for every dollar they have.

You remember that 3 tax brackets? Well get amnesia on that as it is Obama 7 brackets.

Remember getting rid of the death tax? Forget that as it is Obama in force.

Remember that Obamcare Mandate? Forget it as that is on until 2019 AD in the year of the Lord.

Remember that not subsidizing liberal income tax states like New York, California and Minnesota? Forget that as that is back on.

Remember allowing Preachers to say all of this is bullshit from the pulpit? Forget that as the infringement on CHRISTIANITY IS IN FULL FORCE WITH Donald Trump.

The only thing in this, and this is the Donald of Nottingham, filling in for King John and Sheriff in Robin Hood, is there is a tax break for one group and that is the Sean Hannity rich, as their rate was 39 percent, but under this it is 37%.
Yes Sean Hannity the multi millionaire, like Jared and Ivanka Kushner the millionaires, like their anti Christian Matt Drudge millionaire sodomite are getting to keep all of their money, but you the poor are paying for their deductions.

The thing in this Trump Tax is this will not accomplish economic growth as Reagan Kemp did. An economy requires poor people with money to buy things that these businesses are supposed to be producing. Donald Trump when he talked down the dollar drove up inflation on the poor. This means prices are up  costing more to live.
Obama taxes are record. This Trump Tax does not alleviate that, but instead expands the taxation on the poor. 2016 economically raped 3 trillion dollars from American in Obamacare and Obama high taxes. People did not have that money and everyone is now carrying massive debt. 2018 AD in the year of our Lord does not remove that 3 trillion dollar gouging from Americans. 2019 AD in the year of our Lord is the first "relief", but that will have Americans doubling their debt.

In this blog's archives are explained the reality of Ronald Reagan's tax cuts, in Ronald Reagan worked out an economic plan or subsidy which enriched the base Americans in putting money into their hands. As all of you reading this are not from the Teddy Roosevelt rough riding group, I will explain again the genius of Ronald Reagan.
Ronald Reagan utilized the nazi economy of South Korea. The South Koreans in that period purchased American raw furs, harvested and trapped in America at record prices. It returned to Americans at the base economic cycle in rural areas a surge of hundreds of millions of dollars. Reagan gas prices were lowering, and those funds flowing to rural areas started purchases of pick ups, atv's, guns, traps, clothing etc... which spread to populated areas still manufacturing in America.
This raising prices in rural economies is what George W. Bush did in his Texas beef economics in producing a wealth surge as much as raising grain prices, to once again attempt to stir the US economy. Bush failed because he was implementing his father's zero interest paid policy to savings accounts in banks. Reagan succeeded as his interest rates paid retirees a living retirement and they in turn purchased so this stimulated the economy.

Donald Trump's Tax is rapine. He just shipped the American surplus of gas and oil to Europe. So American fuel prices are spiking beyond the cover of the hurricanes.
Under Ronald Reagan, gas was 1.05 a gallon, along with gas taxes it increased. Under George W. Bush, gas rose from a low of 1.40 for the Clinton economic  surge, to 1.87. Donald Trump's gas prices are rising from the 2.40 range. Donald Trump's big oil is gouging Americans of the necessary money to fuel a recovery.
Donald Trump did not drain the swamp, but instead is draining American pocket books.

Donald Trump does not know shit from shinola for economic policy. The skin head Gary Cohn wrote this tax bill which Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell had written for them to reward the ultra rich on the backs of poor Americans.
Do you understand now why Paul Ryan is leaving the building after this and taking the 7 million dollar Big Koch contract? It is because the Republican party running on this dindo tax plan are going to be crucified by democrats and should be as all it does is reward the rich and punish the poor. This tax plan will not stimulate any economic growth. Trump inflation will eat everything and as Trump keeps dumping these baby making slaves into America, no Americans are going to get any of these jobs. Oh and Marco Rubio is rewarding the swarthy skinned American replacements who hate Protestants, in these Jesuits and Muslims. The swarthies get the tax breaks while the White and Black get the genocide tax rise.

  • It would adjust the individual tax brackets.
    • 10%: $0 to $9,525 of taxable income for an individual; $0 to $19,050 for married joint filers
    • 12%: $9,526 to $38,700 individual; $19,051 to $77,400 joint
    • 22%: $38,701 to $82,500 individual; $77,401 to $165,000 joint
    • 24%: $82,501 to $157,500 individual; $165,001 to $315,000 joint
    • 32%: $157,501 to $200,000 individual; $315,001 to $400,000 joint
    • 35%: $200,001 to $500,000 individual; $400,001 to $600,000 joint
    • 37%: over $500,000 individual; over $600,000 joint

The only thing I wanted was to get rid of Obamacare Mandate, and that is not included in this. This is the GOPliters raping Americans for their genocide as this will be the tax code for the next generation, an it will be native Americans last generation as it is designed to reward Muslim and Jesuit baby producers, while assaulting White and Black poor and middle class Citizens.
It was all designed to not promote money generation at the base, and is instead confiscating even more pennies from Americans in debt who have been robbed since Ronald Reagan left office.

Nothing can be done about it, but you have been warned what is coming and why. This is not what Donald Trump promised, not even close. It is the Donald of Nottingham in the same King John or if you remember King George 1776 rapine which Americans rejected.

Now your masters are embracing it.

Another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter, as non one else is going to point the facts out, because they are all rich and being rewarded by the Trump International Globalist State. TIGS, remember that as China picks your pockets and Poland burns your gas.

We waited all year for this betrayal.

Nuff Said
